People are at the heart of our business and everything we do.

Virginie Besnard

HRBP Tootbus

Our internal vacancies

A world of opportunities

With more than 3,500 positions to be filled across the group every year, RATP Dev offers a lot of opportunities to its own employees. By promoting internal mobility and developing our talents through relevant career paths, we offer everyone the opportunity to reinvent themselves and build unique career opportunities, made possible by the diversity of our businesses and our geographical locations. Our actions to attract talents and promote internal mobility must reflect this DNA and our processes and policies must guarantee everyone: • Fairness: each application is considered and processed according to the same process, • Transparency: all our vacancies are published to allow everyone to apply freely, • Diversity and inclusion: the variety of backgrounds and profiles within the Group is a guarantee of innovation, creativity and performance and we promote this diversity in our selecti...

Key figures

  • 3,500

    recruitments per year

  • 15


  • 70%*

    of internal mobilities are initiated by the employee (*market data)


Our commitments

RATP Dev commits to promote internal mobility, as per the RATP Group Internal Mobility Chart, and few commons rules must be respected across the group to make it real: • All vacancies at all levels have to be published on the internal job board, • Give all our employees the opportunity to apply at any time, • All our employees have the possibility to ask for explanatory interview with their HR, • We ensure that an internal mobility validated by both parties will be granted for any employee who has been 3 years on the same position, and it can be earlier if all parties involved agree, • Priority given to internal mobility for equivalent skills and competencies, • No trial period for internal mobility but follow-up meetings to ensure the induction, • Employees will keep their length of service and the related advantages.

Managers' commitments

Our managers are the milestone of the internal mobility process: they decide to recruit employees based on suitability and merit, without any form of unlawful discrimination. Our managers are also key stakeholders in the internal mobility process, and they commit to be internal mobility facilitators for their team by: • Taking an active part in the construction of their team members’ career path, • Supporting their team in the development of their competencies, • Tackling internal mobility with their employees during the annual interview, or as soon as a will is expressed, • Identifying talents and sharing key competencies and internal mobility wishes with HR.

Employees' commitments

Employees are the main actors and builders of their career, and are accountable of their professional development: • Employees define the career path they want to follow, and develop the competencies needed, by getting involved on relevant projects and attending consistent training, • Employees share with their manager their mobility wishes, and discuss the trainings and other development support relevant for their development, • Employees make proper acts of appliance on the Youmove platform (motivated and constructed) when they identify a relevant job position, • Employees inform their HR and Manager as soon as possible to ensure the smoothest transition to be as transparent as possible throughout the process.